Getting in the wave
Having missed the deadline for requests for Google wave invitation, I found myself sending requests to Google team through all of my ids. Guess that would have just decreased my chances more. At the same time many sites took this glooming monetary opportunity and began trading Google wave invites (If I am not wrong, this isn't the first time this has happened with Google's invites). Giving up all hope to see the developer's preview of Google wave firsthand, I stopped looking for a free invite (You really need a good connection and a good RSS reader to keep track of all the sites claiming to distribute free invites), I prepared myself to wait for the final product. But the world is not devoid of irony, I got my invite from a friend.
Exited as I was, with only one contact in Google wave, I really felt lost. It looked pretty good. After reading through some sites, I first checked out the public wave search. I had no warning that there would be thousand waves springing up at the same instant making my already slow internet connection slower. The trouble did not stop, I needed to find a english wave because I could see none. With surprisingly fast clicking, I managed to open a newbie board before it was piled on by some japanese and chinese waves.
Clogging up is the main defect of public waves. With so many users editing at the same time, the best connection wins. There were so many replies and texts springing up that I had no choice but to close the wave. I tried some other waves (English) and the same procedure followed. After figuring out how to stop the public wave search to stop I started concentrating on editing my profile, as that was the only thing I could do peacefully.
And by the way, every wave you click comes up in the inbox, and there is no direct way of deleting them. Moving them to the trash doesn't really help because the trash does not have a empty option yet. The only way to get around this is to make a new folder and move the unwanted waves there and delete the folder.
I still haven't been able to reply in any public wave till date.
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish